Every Friday is another new day for learning for Acityans. We learn from professionals about real-life matters through Inspirational Talk. We also learn to humble ourselves by hearing God’s words through the Students’ Fellowship.

At the beginning of February, Petra Acitya Christian Junior High School gratefully welcomed R. Arja Angka A.A.A.Sadjiarto,S.E.,M.Ak.,Ak., as a chief speaker in Inspiring Talk. As a lecturer of the Accounting Department at Petra Acitya Christian Junior High School, he shared an overview of the accounting profession. Accounting is not merely about calculating; it is about balancing the value.

To broaden the student’s perspective about the prospects of the accounting profession, Mr. Arja shared his life experience while being an accountant in several corporations; one of them is Unilever. Moreover, he shared the accountant’s job both in government and private business. There is also a big opportunity to work abroad as this profession is highly in demand.

Even though the material is developed for higher education students, Acityans are interested in joining the program. Their enthusiasm shown during the Q&A session was lively. Many students asked questions related to the materials. Some of them were about the difference between finance and accounting, what personal tax is and what an accountant does during an apprenticeship.

In conclusion, Mr. Arja closed the session with a powerful quote, “ Life is like an accounting, everything must be balanced.” We really learn something when we can apply the value in the daily life and the closing statement is a remembrance for all Acityans to apply the value of the last Friday’s session in their daily life.

Students' Passion
Independent e-Learning
One Stop Learning (OSL)
Joining PPPK Petra Programs

Petra Acitya
Excellent Points