“Do you want to stand out? Then step down. Be a servant. If you puff yourself up, you’ll get the wind knocked out of you. But if you’re content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty.”
Matthew 23:11-12 MSG

Putting oneself first is human nature. Some people might have told us to take care of ourselves before helping others. People can come up with many reasons to strengthen that claim. However, Jesus Christ taught us differently. In Mark 9: 35, He said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” Commonly, this is called the Servant Leadership concept.

The concept teaches us that a good leader is a leader who serves others wholeheartedly by paying attention to the needs of the members. While the leader serves the member, they will naturally perform better. The team engagement will improve and collaboration will be strengthened. Thus, adopting Servant Leadership as the organization’s way of life is important.

Therefore, Petra Acitya Christian Junior High School is blessed to have a partnership with some sophomores from the Faculty of Psychology, Widya Mandala Catholic University, Surabaya. There are five students, led by Raden Ezra Arja Atmaja, who gave Servant Leadership training for Petra Acitya Christian Junior High School Student Council on May 17, 2023. The training was conducted full day in the Multipurpose room. Twenty-seven student council members joined the training. They had great discussions with the sophomores and had some teamwork games to embody the Servant Leadership concept in real life. At the end of the session, they reflected upon what they had learned throughout the training sessions and committed to applying it in their daily life.

Students' Passion
Independent e-Learning
One Stop Learning (OSL)
Joining PPPK Petra Programs

Petra Acitya
Excellent Points